
Fruity Frog Scented Plushie (Peach)
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Out of Stock

Son the Frog is once again committing identity theft by assuming the identity of some inconspicuous looking fruits. In order to enhance his disguise, Son not only Looks like the fruit, but also smells like one!

About the product:
Each plushie is 16 inches (40.6 cm) wide & 10 inches (25.4 cm) tall.
Each frog has a hidden pocket on their bottom, which can be used for storing the scent pouch. or for smuggling small items.
Each plushie comes with a scented fruit shaped keychain. If you do not wish for your frog to smell, you may dispose of this keychain and instead use Son's butt pocket for whatever your heart desires.
Please be aware that the scent pouches are very scented. If you are sensitive to smells, we recommend ditching the scent pouch. The frog will likely have a residual smell, so we recommend airing out the frog in a well ventilated room for a few days. The smell will eventually fade.

For legal reasons, we must state that this item is a collectible, and Not A Toy. It is not intended for humans under the age of 14. Fruity frogs contain small parts. Humans under the age of 14 may try to eat these parts. which would be bad. We also recommend keeping this item away from pets, who might also try to eat your frog.